Queen Cougar has dedicated over 32 years to being a Kinky Leather person. As a titleholder she was Ms. Headquarters Leather 93 and Ms. SFLeather 93. Her skills as a fierce femcee include IML, IMsL, Drummer, ILSB and many contests and events across America. Her leather resume is astounding and includes being a video interviewee or subject in BDSM film projects such as “Bloodsisters”, “Kink Crusaders”, “AIDS Light in The Grove” & “Safe Sane & Consensual SM”. She is featured in the 2024 Unbound publication “Kink Is.” The Queen has produced, judged and presented numerous workshops and mentored many persons throughout the BDSM Scene. Regal and yet down to earthshe is one of the original Onyx Pearls, and an associate or honorary member of Onyx, The Exiles, COMMAND, TULSA, The Philadelphians and Desire. Recipient of numerous awards and commendations she holds several Pantheon of Leather Awards and was honored in 2013 by SF Supervisors, the state Senator and her SF community with March 1 st , 2013
named Queen Cougar Day! A fierce scene player her deep friendships with many throughout the BDSM scene include leathermen, womyn and transfolk. She embraces the changes that current leatherfolk are putting forward to keep the kink scene alive and growing in respect. She currently divides her available energy betweenappearances at BDSM events and participating within the Imperial Court. The Queen is also a jazz vocalist and performs monthly in SF at Hotel Zoeon Fisherman’s Wharf.

Leo identifies as a Queer Butch Leather Top and Dominant. She has been a part of the leather community for over 20 years, and served as Ms San Francisco Leather 2010. She has participated in the production of numerous leather and kink events including International Ms Leather, Folsom Street Events, Northwest Leather Celebration, Ms San Francisco Leather, Mx/Mr San Francisco Leather, Dark Odyssey Butchboi.com, and more. She has been the organizer and host of SF Queer Leather Happy Hour for 15+ years going strong.

Koja's an Oglala Lakota, blue-collar lesbian, Indigenous Butch Dyke, leader, activist, organizer, socialist, communist, staunch feminist, sober addict and all around local badass. Koja is also the first Bay Area/San Francisco person we will be spotlighting and honoring in our community this month. Koja has been involved in the Leather Dyke community for over two decades-and has initiated some of the most ground breaking movements in Dyke and Queer Leather spaces. Beyond Koja's creation and ongoing commitment to Dyke only spaces (like the annual Dykes Only Space at Dyke March San Francisco), Koja continues to maintain strong advocacy for Indigenous/BIPOC/women's rights and Butch visibility. Koja runs the Playground at Folsom, which saw 15,000+ attendees last year and continues to grow as the largest gathering of our corner of the leather community, worldwide. She's a surfer with strong ties to the Mni (Water), the lessons it brings, and stories it tells. Koja's worked for the Fire Department and in EMS for nearly 25 years. When she's not deeply overcommitted, she can be found getting her hands dirty, reading 5 books concurrently, drumming, forever chasing live music, and obsessively practicing Pilates, self-restraint and hard truths. The personal is political, and her work reflects that. Koja is featured in "Masculinities", a butch coloring book by Stoic Press, has led workshops and keynoted conferences across Turtle Island, penned a critical piece rebuking so-called land acknowledgements and authored a children's book; 47,000 beads:

Daddy Vick Germany lives in San Francisco and has been a part of the leather community for many years. She has been a member of the Exiles (formerly the Outcasts) since 1996. Daddy Vick is SF Dyke Daddy 2002 and is a member of Mama’s Family (Mama’s SF Dyke Daddy and Mama's Master Flogger). She was a Director of the Inter-Club Fund (ICF) and was selected the ICF’s ‘Woman of the Year’ 3 times and was a Leather Grand Marshal along with Peter Fisk. Daddy Vick served as an Independent Director for the SF Bay Area Leather Alliance. She has been on various organizing committees, such as Leather Leadership Conference 12, judged numerous local and international contests, including IMsL, IML XXX, and IMsL Bootblack, on several panels and taught the ‘Passion of Flogging’ classes. Daddy Vick is a Board Member of the SF Dykes on Bikes® Women’s Motorcycle Contingent.

Alpha Pup Savage is the reigning Mr. International Leather 2024. He is the first and only San Francisco Eagle Leather Pup 2024 and serves as Co-Alpha of Pets who love to provide a service to the San Francisco Leather and Kink community. A proud member of ONYXNW and the House of Rose and Kush, he had the honor of being the Grand Marshal of the 2024 San Francisco Pride Parade. His primary mission is to advocate for diversity and inclusivity within the Queer, Fetish, and Leather communities, ensuring that all individuals are represented. He is also a dedicated ally for the rights of those who identify as Trans or non-binary. In addition to his community engagement, Jamal organizes and supports fundraising events for various Leather, Kink, and LGBTQIA+ organizations. He has offered his expertise as a judge for numerous leather and Pup/Pet contests and has co-produced and emceed the new SF Eagle Pet Contest. Alpha Pup Savage also co-hosts Timeout, a monthly gathering for Pups and Cubs at the SF Eagle. Outside of his community involvement, Alpha Pup Savage enjoys traveling, honing his flogging skills, engaging in Pup play, exploring rubber and impact play, embracing nudity, practicing rope play, experiencing sensory deprivation, engaging in nipple play, staying fit, and indulging in anime and video games, all while cherishing quality time with his loved ones.
The Goddess (fueled by her force-multipliers, Dr. Bob, his BBG, and Sinfully Sill) is Ms. Texas Leather 2023, Directrix of MAsT-Austin and founding board member and current President of Onyx Pearls Lustre Southwest. Together with her beloved boy (Dr. Bob), they host a lively monthly international Zoom gathering called, “Dinner with Goddess and Doc.” Previously, she was host of "The Leather Line" radio show (KPFT, FM 90.1-Houston). Goddess is a proud family member of ‘The Family,’ the oldest BIPOC Matriarchal Leather family.

Little Bad Daddy is a Sadistic, Queer, BootBlack, Leather Dyke Daddy on the path of Servant Mastery. LBD is proud of who they are, what they do and how they live. Little Bad Daddy iidentifies as a leather family dyke first,
Litlle Bad Daddies motto is _Live life with no regrets. Put yourself out there when it's scary. Realize life isn't worth living without a little risk, with out a little love, and without the faith it takes to live this way. See what you want and embrace the challenge it puts before you, KNOW this adventure and you are TRUELY living._
It takes a lot of hard work to show a town how to have a good time... so work hard and play hard.
Little Bad Daddy is Ms SF Leather 2015--aand has served as UnRuly Social Club treasurer, Current Desire Staff, Saturnalia Productions founder and have served as International Ms Leather Silent Auction Coordinator for 7 years--as well as the Folsom Street Fair Venus' Playground organizer for 10 years. Little Bad Daddy is affiliated a variety of leather organizations and generally do service work for the greater leather community wherever they go.